
cinnamon rolls
sloppy joes
spaghetti bolognese
fried Yams
Mac & Cheese
bush meat pepper soup
grilled meat Nigeria Suja
Kosey? Akara? (Beans blend with water & onion)
Acha (hungry rice)


Nigeria (northern)
American missionary school (baptist)
Swedish Danish
girls boarding school in the UK?
Austrian dishes?
Sunday going out after service
Indian food?
mom’s restaurant

Hauwa can be found at:


Question for our listeners: What’s the cheap & simple dish in your part of the world?

Please share with us on Twitter or where ever else you may find us.

Please follow me on Twitter (@foodieflashback).

Have a story to tell? Please reach out to us so that we can all enjoy it with you!
Either via Twitter or using this handy little form

Intro music: “Child’s Play” by Alex Nekita (alexnekita)

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