Monica Anderson is a 43-year-old working mom of 2 who has spent her career working in the retail industry focusing primarily on product development.  She self describes herself as being gripped by eating disorders and addictive eating habits from adolescence until she had what she can only define as a divine intervention at the age of 42, that started her on her road to recovery.  Monica has spent the last year working intensely on reprogramming her mind and life with the objective of being free from obsession with body weight, shape, and size and to find freedom from harmful eating practices.  Monica has an extremely supportive husband who has encouraged her and pushed her to continue her journey, and she is motivated to do the hard work in the hopes of not passing on her disease to her children.  With determination, faith, extraordinary effort, and the supportive help of Molly Painschab and Clarissa Kennedy, and the Sweet Sobriety Group, she has made tremendous progress in healing her relationship with herself and food.   Monica has the ultimate goal of making a full recovery to live a life of freedom from disordered eating and to find love and acceptance for herself within herself.

In this episode:

What it was like for Monica before recovery

What her turning point was

What is life in food addiction recovery is like now

What she does daily for her recovery

What Monica is still working on

What she needed to hear early on in her journey


There is still time to join us in Bristol, UK on Friday, May 20th for the first International Food Addiction Conference! Clarissa and I will be presenting (along with Dr. Jen Unwin and others) on our Food Addiction Research Clinical Trial and what we know so far! Check the show notes to purchase your tickets!

If you can’t meet us in person in Bristol and you are interested in participating in our research, we are currently recruiting for our next groups that will begin treatment sessions in June 2022. Please fill out a contact form as soon as possible as we will be starting our screening process in early June. Check the show notes for the link!

The content of our show is educational only. It does not supplement or supersede the professional relationship and direction of your healthcare provider. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified mental health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, substance use disorder, or mental health concern.