Dr. Evelyne Bourdua-Roy is a family medicine doctor, who graduated from Université de Montréal in 2015, and from Université Laval in 2012.

Dr. Bourdua-Roy has a Master’s Degree in French Linguistics from Université de Montréal and a Bachelor’s Degree in Translation (French-English-Spanish) from York University. She is also board-certified in Obesity Medicine by the American Board of Obesity Medicine (ABOM).

Additionally, she has trained with Dr. Jason Fung and Megan Ramos in Toronto, in 2016 and 2019, at their Intensive Dietary Management clinic. She is training with Dr. Georgia Ede on the ketogenic diet and mental health, and on hormone replacement therapy with Dr. Neal Rouzier.

She has co-authored two best-selling books in Quebec (in French): Perdre du poids en mangeant du gras and Perdre du poids en mangeant du gras tome II (Pratico Pratiques Editions). The first volume was translated into English, under the title Eat Fat to Lose Weight with the Keto and Low-Carb Diet. She has also written Renverser le surpoids et le diabète de type 2 avec le Protocole Reversa (Thierry Souccar Editions), which is set to release in Europe and Canada in September 2020.

In January of 2017, Dr. Bourdua-Roy founded Clinique Reversa, which is a not-for-profit metabolic program that aims to help patients reverse their lifestyle-related chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension, gout, NAFLD, etc.

This program is led by a multidisciplinary team made up of nurses, kinesiologists, a psychologist, a pharmacist, medical assistants, coaches, and doctors, under Dr. Bourdua-Roy’s supervision.

This team of medical professionals teaches patients to take charge of their own health, while also prescribing necessary medications along the way.

So far, the clinic has treated over 1,500 patients and is currently working to develop a type 1 diabetes program. This program’s foundation is based upon Dr. Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution method, as well as, Bitten Jonsson’s food addiction program.

Additionally, Dr. Bourdua-Roy hosts conferences, which are open to the general public, on lifestyle-related chronic disease reversal. For healthcare professionals, she also hosts annual conferences, such as the provincial conference of the Quebec Federation of Pharmacists and the St. Paul’s Hospital Continuing Medical Education, which reaches over 1,600 medical doctors in British Columbia. She also manages to reach healthcare students at the Université de Montréal via their student association.

Dr. Bourdua-Roy has co-presented on low carb and chronic pain at the international conference Low Carb USA Denver in 2018. Then, in 2020, she was interviewed by Dr. Brian Lenzkes at that same conference.

In 2019, she also gave a presentation on food addiction and weight loss plateaus at Low Carb Universe in Mallorca, Spain.

Additionally, she’s been a guest on some radio shows and podcasts, such as Low Carb MD (episode 48), with hosts Dr. Brian Lenzkes and Dr. Tro Kalayjian. And she blogs for Diet Doctor when time permits, and has written several articles for different media, including La Nutrition.

Follow Evelyne:

Website: https://cliniquereversa.com

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/CliniqueReversa

Twitter: @CliniqueReversa