Homo Superior


Food Muties, to me! It's time for FOOD COURT, your favorite podcast, where we brave the malls and the movie halls so you don't have to.

Sean and Jon watched "X-Men: Dark Phoenix", Sony's mercifully final foray into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Will the flimsy filmic analog for the civil rights movement give us one more mutagen-muddled thrill ride or will the children of the atom let us down one last time before going the way of the dodo (or The Fantastic Four)? Tune in to find out!

So grab your popcorn, sneak in your snacks, and pop some antacids because it's time to wonder just what the fuck happened to Magneto between 1992 and 2000 to make him go from Fassbender's muscular cock diesel spy hunter to Ian McKellan's ballbag chess-playing Old Maid. Bon Appetit!