“You have to do what’s right, no matter how much it hurts.”

Dr. Kevin Folta is a molecular biologist who has worked with mRNA for more than 25 years. He is scientist in the genetics and genomics of small fruit crops, a recent farmers market president, and advocate for science communication. And although he’s suffered significant personal and professional hardship for standing up for science, he continues to train, teach AND tweet the evidence, because, as he puts it, “you have to say the words” to help combat mis- and disinformation in the agricultural space. 

Dr. Folta emphasizes that technology has given us access to the safest, most abundant food supply in human history, and this access is worthy of appreciation - not fear. He wants dietitians to look for the evidence behind mRNA and genetics in food, rather than believing clickbait. As new technology continues to help strengthen our food system, communicating the science behind it will strengthen consumer trust.

"As a molecular biologist, it was exciting to see the mRNA technology go into use. We’ve been watching and waiting for a long time. We’ll see it used to treat some cancers and other human diseases.  Its role as a vaccination is just beginning, as we’ll see better and more adaptable, less-expensive vaccines that can address emerging pathogens faster. It’s potential role in treating livestock is tremendous.

Unfortunately misinformation, in some cases spread by internet celebrities and politicians, stands to slow the implementation of this technology by tarnishing public perception. We have a role as scientists, farmers, and ag communicators to challenge these false assertions, as they will negatively affect ranchers, farmers and our animals."

mRNA vaccines, in particular, have a huge potential role in livestock health. On this episode, Dr. Folta explains the mechanisms behind the technology, clears up misconceptions about its usage, and urges those in the dietetic and ag communities to challenge false assertions about this and other technologies that can have a positive impact.

Dr. Folta can be found at www.kevinfolta.com, on Twitter @kevinfolta, and on Facebook www.facebook.com/kmfolta. Listen to more on the Facts and Fallacies podcast, which he co-hosts with Cameron English. 

Other sources regarding mRNA:

AP Fact Checking: "No, farmers aren't requires to vaccinate cattle with mRNA vaccines.

Factcheck.org: Meme Spreads Falsehood About Vaccine Transfer Through Eating Meat 

Genetic Literacy Project: Kill the Messenger: mRNA-based livestock vaccines are under attack by vaccine skeptics

Pork Business: Livestock & mRNA Vaccines: What You Need to Know 



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