How is soy a part of your diet? Maryland farmer Belinda Burrier talks about high oleic soybean oil, GMOs, international demand, the health benefits of soy, and so much more in the latest Food Bullying podcast. 

Belinda farms soybeans, corn, wheat, and hay in central Maryland, just north of Washington DC with her husband and nephew.
She married into farming 20 years ago, she and her husband have been awarded the Mid-Atlantic Master Farmers and the Northeastern Region Conservation Legacy Award. She is the chair of the United Soybean Board Promotion & Education Committee. 

"When I married into farming, I knew nothing and asked many questions- why do you do that? It made my husband think outside of the box and he did change some of his practices, not many, he is very progressive; so what I want people to know as a mother and grandmother that I always have my family’s best interest and health in mind before any choices are made on the farm. Water, air, and soil are my greatest concern."

Belinda points out "Some very influential people bad mouth soybean products and it’s hard to break that apart." She breaks down how the bean is grown, why GMO has value, what the benefits of high Oleic soy is, and more in this podcast. 

She understand how food bullying impacts people in the grocery store. "I look for soybeans in my products, if I can purchase items locally I will, I won’t buy products just because they say so and so on the label. If I am truly concerned about how something is produced I will look at reviews and talk to my dietitian friends or women whose opinion I value. I really try to buy US, but sometimes that’s not available." Belinda works to try to ensure more people have access to soy products, including biodiesel across the globe.

She is on Facebook as Belinda Doyle Burrier, Insta as Burrier Farms, and LInkedin under Belinda Burrier. Connect with her to learn more about the power of soy in a diet.