Today’s guest is Ivy Stirling, who is a nutritionist and health coach who healed herself by changing her diet.  She is a firm believer in “bio-individuality,” which means that there isn’t a single diet plan that works for everyone because we are all different!  Ivy teaches the healing power of food to prevent and reverse disease and to slow the aging process.  She has worked in almost every facet of the food industry, from the USDA, publishing, the weight-loss industry, the corporate level, and the Montana State Extension Service.  Her background has given her a unique perspective on the food industry, and she is eager to help others navigate through the “maze of misinformation” that exists.

Ivy gives helpful information about the following topics:

Ø  There is much misinformation in the food industry.  We must realize that food businesses exist to make a profit; they are NOT concerned with bringing good nutrition.  Ivy shares specific examples of how the consumer is being “duped” by misinformation.

Ø  Health challenges were the catalyst to put Ivy on the path to a healthy lifestyle.  Like many others, Ivy was stressed out and overcommitted as a young mother.  She had the physical maladies to prove it.  Listen to learn how she changed her life FOREVER!

Ø  There are seven foods identified as most likely to be reactive.  Eliminating these completely, then reintroducing them individually can help identify sensitivities and allergies.  Listen to find out what the seven foods are!

Ø  Eating regularly throughout the day is the key.  Ivy believes firmly in “bio-individuality,” yet gives consistent advice to clients to eat four meals daily.  Listen to learn more about the foods she recommends.

Ø  Learn all you can from the experts.  Ivy reads and follows several nutritionists through their books and websites.  Listen to learn the names of some of her favorite resources for healthy lifestyles.

Ø  Learn how to overcome weight-loss resistance.  Ivy shares the common causes and what you can do about it.

Ø  There are five steps to rapid weight loss.  Listen to hear how you can implement these five steps!

Ø  Water—it’s for much more than just hydration!  Learn why water is so important and how it helps your body function at peak levels.

Ø  America’s obesity and disease can be traced back to ONE SPECIFIC dietary fad of the late 1970’s.  Listen to what Ivy has to say about this trend.

Now it’s your turn!

WHAT changes have you made in your diet?

HOW have those changes affected your health?

WHAT has been your biggest challenge while implementing a healthy lifestyle?

WHO do you want to hear from?

Let me know in the comments below and I will try my best to get them on the show!  I want to answer your burning questions and for YOU to add your thoughts to the conversation.  So go ahead and leave a comment now. 

And if you want even more resources to heal yourself naturally, make sure you sign up for my email updates, because I share some insights in my email updates that I don’t share anywhere else.

Thanks so much for stopping by and until next time, remember to eat consciously, because the world needs a healthy and vibrant you!


·         My free gift, “The Clean Eating Rules.” It’s my #1 guide for how to eat to lose weight, improve your biometrics, and get more energy.

·         Summary of Pearls shared on the show

·         Occasional Love Letters from Dr. Anh, where I share my favorite recipes and products, upcoming events, new information I’ve learned, and other goodies J