Kristin Thomas is a Holistic Health Coach (HHC) and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P) specializing in digestive and autoimmune health. Inspired by her own digestive health journey, she became certified at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN) to fulfill her life's purpose as a healer. Today, she helps patients find their own path to digestive wellness using natural, practical and individualized diet, lifestyle, and supplementation techniques. You can learn more about Kristin and her work here: and

Now in today's show with Kristin we talk about..... 

Foods to avoid to see an impact in your health right away, even if you are already eating pretty well Which non-grain health food that can still be problematic for some people How to deal with dairy cravings and what ingredient to use that mimics the flavor of dairy very well Kristin's tips for eating healthy on a budget and how to minimize fresh food from going bad What are some of the lab tests she completed to monitor the progress on her healing journey What a typical day in the life looks like for her in terms of food And more

OK, let’s go chat with Kristin!