Welcome! My guest today is Dr. Keesha Ewers, who is the founder of the Functional Sexology Institute. Keesha is a psychotherapist and holds a PhD in Sexology. She uses functional medicine and the principles of Ayurvedic medicine to focus on women’s libido. 

Keesha covers the following areas of this topic:

Keesha suffered from rheumatoid arthritis but completely reversed those symptoms.
She noticed that her own sexual libido was lacking, and saw the same thing in many clients.
She used her master’s degree background in Ayurvedic medicine to address the issue of women’s libido.
Since this is such a delicate subject, Keesha focuses on creating a safe environment for clients to share their “libido story.”
Only 30% of medical providers ever ask patients about sexuality except in the context of STD’s and contraception.
The beliefs we have as adults were wired in our childhood. These issues include body image, pressure to be perfect, and other events and behaviors.
Some patients have resistance and some aren’t willing to do the work to rewire their mindset.
Keesha shares a study that shows that 69% of women in committed relationships for over a year do not experience spontaneous sexual desire.
Keesha says that trauma and abuse require deeper emotional work.
She uses three modalities to address trauma issues and explains each: EMDR, Brain Spotting, and Clinical Hypnotherapy.
Keesha explains the neurotransmitters and adrenal function that play into the Fight or Flight and Feed or Breed responses.
Women are falling through the cracks between medical science and behavioral science because we are so specialized in medicine today.
Keesha addresses daily chronic stress issues and uses genetic tests to show physiological reasons for sexual libido problems.
There are several big factors in libido issues in addition to your “story,” like physical issues, mental issues, and emotional/relationship conflict.
Keesha advocates treating clients holistically instead of compartmentalizing our problems.
Keesha also discusses the use of bioidentical hormones and the inflammatory responses that can affect sexual desire.

How to Reach Keesha and more:


Email her at [email protected]

Now it’s your turn!


WHAT changes have you made in your diet? 

HOW have those changes affected your health? 

WHAT has been your biggest challenge while implementing a healthy lifestyle? 

WHO do you want to hear from?


Let me know in the comments below and I will try my best to get them on the show!  I want to answer your burning questions and for YOU to add your thoughts to the conversation.  So go ahead and leave a comment now.  


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Thanks so much for stopping by and until next time, remember to eat consciously, because the world needs a healthy and vibrant you!


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