Welcome to another exciting episode!  My guest is Mari Ruddy, who is a friend who lives in Minneapolis, MN.  Mari is a two-time breast cancer survivor who has lived with Type 1 diabetes for most of her life.  She is an endurance athlete who has spoken to hundreds of audiences.  She is a superstar at life, looks fear in the face and motivates people with chronic illnesses to get off the couch to movement and joy!  You will not regret taking the time to listen to Mari’s story!

Mari is heavily involved in the American Diabetes Association’s Tour de Cure, both as an athlete and a volunteer.  She was instrumental in beginning the “Red Riders” program for diabetes riders, who now number in the tens of thousands at the bike races held all around the US.

Mari shares the following in our conversation:

Mari gives her keys to success in managing diabetes while focusing on being a good athlete.
Mari discusses her nutrition rules.
Mari took control and changed her diet after her second cancer diagnosis.
Mari gives tips on planning ahead, shopping and making time for cooking.
Mari tells us what staple items she keeps on hand for meal preparation.
Mari gives helpful tips on reducing and managing stress.
Mari shares her secrets to success for an endurance athlete with a chronic condition.
Mari shares her favorite recipe from her favorite cookbook!
Mari gives her #1 tip for anyone wanting to get started as an athlete.  It’s all about the MINDSET!

Whether you are a chronic illness sufferer, an aspiring athlete, a seasoned athlete, or someone who desires more control over your health and nutrition, you will learn volumes of helpful information from my friend, Mari!  Join us!

Now it’s your turn!


WHAT changes have you made in your diet? 

HOW have those changes affected your health? 

WHAT has been your biggest challenge while implementing a healthy lifestyle? 

WHO do you want to hear from?


Let me know in the comments below and I will try my best to get them on the show!  I want to answer your burning questions and for YOU to add your thoughts to the conversation.  So go ahead and leave a comment now.  


And if you want even more resources to heal yourself naturally, make sure you sign up for my email updates, because I share some insights in my email updates that I don’t share anywhere else.


Thanks so much for stopping by and until next time, remember to eat consciously, because the world needs a healthy and vibrant you!


My free gift, “The Clean Eating Rules.” It’s my #1 guide for how to eat to lose weight, improve your biometrics, and get more energy.
Summary of Pearls shared on the show
Occasional Love Letters from Dr. Anh, where I share my favorite recipes and products, upcoming events, new information I’ve learned, and other goodies ☺