This episode of the Food Afield Podcast finds John and Kevin in the newly established Grasslands Shack where they are looking for both antlered and antlerless mule deer.

Kevin has spent a good deal of time and energy getting the shack set up on some property in the grasslands where his family has hunted since he was young. This was our second visit to the shack and we installed the chimney for the woodstove, just ahead of an incoming blizzard.

This episode begins inside the shack, a wood fire crackling in the background, with the guys chatting about wild food and Folding Mountain Brewery beer. The conversation turns to mule deer hunting before too long though and suddenly we are in the field with John as he first encounters the big mule deer buck!

This hunt will continue over a few episodes. It was a great trip and we are so glad to share it with you!

This episode is sponsored by Folding Mountain Brewery. The award-winning beer they produce is served around Alberta. The taproom and kitchen are located at the gates of Jasper National Park. Their Lager recently won the gold medal at the Alberta Beer Awards and has been John's favourite beer for a couple of years now. 

If you are interested in sponsoring an episode of the Food Afield Podcast, please contact John directly at: [email protected]

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