Hello, friends, and welcome to another episode of Following Paraluman Podcast Series!

As you all know, I'm still trying to create more amazing content for all of you, and this is just a glimpse at what my plans are for the coming year. As my friend, Nick, always said, "We're making big moves this year!" So for this episode, I'm giving you all a little peak at what I'll be doing this year in terms of blog, career, shop and travel plans. So make sure to stay tuned for all of these!

I've also mentioned the name of my web designer in this episode. So if you need anything done (web-related), Nathan da Silva is the man to go! His website is https://silvawebdesigns.com/. Tell him Dani sent you!

I can't wait to share more things with all of you, but for now, here's a little sneak peek.

Let's connect on social media; my username for almost all social media platforms is @dmtanjutco and my website is still danicatanjutco.com. Can't wait to connect and talk to you all!

For now, besos y abrazos virtual. Nos vemos muy pronto y cuĂ­date!


Dani x