Nowadays, hitchhiking has both a positive and a negative connotation attached to it. In the age of cheap and accessible travel, who in their right minds would want to go wandering off to hitchhike?

However, there is a certain kind of thrill and excitement that this mode of transportation has alongside it. No matter how many people say that they're against it, there are still travellers out there who are keen on doing this—Steffen Thomsen and myself included.

In this episode, join Steffen and me as we dive into the stories of our hitchhiking journey all around the world. I actually met Steffen Thomsen during a brief trip back to the Philippines in early 2019, and we've managed to become great friends since then. We mostly share our passion for travelling, learning about different cultures, and hitchhiking since this is something that we've done constantly on our trips abroad.

To keep up with Steffen's travels, you may follow him on social media via @steffenontheroad.

To keep up with my travels, you may follow me on social media via @dmtanjutco, and you may check out my website, Following Paraluman.

For now, stick to staying at home to flatten the curve, and we'll surely see you on the road soon! Abrazos!