Previous Episode: A Way Abroad feat. Kat Smith

I've told this story time and time again. I was in Latin America when the pandemic hit, and it has been one of the most stressful moments in my life. However, it's always great to have a different perspective when it comes to stories like this. So for this episode, I've decided to invite one of my best pals, who also happened to be stuck in Latin America early in 2020, Pius Ditachmair.

Pius was in El Salvador and Guatemala for his Civil Service, which is mandatory in Austria. Due to the pandemic, he had to move back after just 7 months. Still, he stays passionate about travelling, and he likes to dive deeper into different cultures. He currently lives in Linz and works at IKEA's Communication and Interior Design Department. This fall, he'll be moving to Vienna to study Product and Interior Design. Until that, he is about to get lost travelling as far as travel restrictions allow it.

Join us on this episode as we discussed our struggles, excitement, and one-in-a-lifetime experience of being stuck on a different continent as a global pandemic shooked the world.