In today's world, what does it mean to be compassionate and to love one another without the fear of being judged?

In today's world, what does it mean to be good and do good without expecting anything in return?

In today's world, what does it mean to be a modern Christian woman?

These are some of the topics that Gabriela Yareliz of Modern Witnesses and I talked about throughout this podcast episode. Today is International Women's Day 2021, and we wanted to share with you all what we think it means to be a modern woman who has faith as strong as her visions and continually believes in Jesus.

To know more about Gabriela and the work that she does on Modern Witnesses, you may follow her on social media via @modernwitnesses_, and you may check out her website by CLICKING HERE.

As for me, join me on my 'round the world adventure by following me on social media via @dmtanjutco, and you may also check out my blog, Following Paraluman, by CLICKING HERE.

Today, tell a special woman that you admire her and tell her why you're grateful for her.

'Til the next and blessings!