Hello, friends!

It's been a while since I did a conversation with a friend on this podcast series. Forgive me, this was the very first interview I did after breaking my hiatus so I was still finding my voice again after a long time of taking a break. You'll also have to forgive the random car noises in the background since I'm at my grandma's house and she lives right next to a highway. Aside from that, all is well...I think?

For this episode we were joined by my good friend, Acacia Mitchell. We basically talked about life, COVID-19, Christianity, mission trips, and Acacia's upcoming book of poetry. Acacia is a very talented writer and if you'd like to check out her work and even buy her new book, the details are as follow:

[BOOK TITLE: Waiting Spaces

The release date will be on the 31st of August 2020.

Acacia will also be giving away goodies to the first 50 people who will buy her book. All you'd have to do is buy her book (obviously) and send Acacia a screenshot of the receipt.

You can buy her book by clicking HERE.]

You may follow Acacia on Instagram at @acaciawritespoems and you may check out her website thoughtsfromatree.com to see more of her work!

As per usual, my socials are @dmtanjutco and you may check out my works at danicatanjutco.com


I hope y'all had a wonderful August, and I'm excited to see what September will bring.

Ciao and blessings!