In this week's episode of the Follower of One podcast, Mike speaks with Kim Spence-Mullen. Kim is the founder of Your Story Speaks and the founder and president of the Tulsa Women's Fellowship. Do you want to tell your story? Speak to Kim! Please give her a warm welcome to the community!



Episode Breakdown


1:05 - Meet Kim & Your Story Speaks

2:00 - Legacy Stories

9:55 - Tulsa Women's Fellowship

14:00 - Post-Covid Update for Kimi

16:10 - Kim's Faith at Work 

20:30 - The People in our Lives

26:45 - Kim's Thoughts on the Marketplace Mission Trip


Turning Obstacles into Opportunities 


God gives us miracles every day. Some of them are visible and some are only known to us after the fact. As Christ-followers, you have probably heard something like this - "When God closes one door, he opens another". I can speak from experience that this is unequivocally true! However, God doesn't do everything for us. We must have the aptitude and purpose to turn something that is not positive and making a positive impact. You can do this from what you learned in your experience, taking the time to adjust your strategy to make it work, or even use what you know to build a better process to make sure you succeed in what was setting you back. The goal is to always fight for God in everything we do. Do you have experience taking a setback, and turning it into a leap forward? Let us know in the comments!




The People


We miss opportunities all the time, it is just a fact. Typically we talk about Faith at work, we talk about how we can live our faith out every day. Sometimes, we lose sight of one of the most important things about our Faith, the people! Make sure you take time in your day to connect on a deeper level with everyone around you. The people you speak with, work with, and even pass by each day is an opportunity to live your faith. Don't forget about the people you see. We serve God and through Him, each person on this planet is a key opportunity.  


Interview Quote


"The value of our lives, starting at whatever point in time, impact the people coming into our lives in the future"




Connect with Kim Spence-Mullen


Your Story Speaks Website 

Kim's LinkedIn

Tulsa Women's Fellowship Facebook



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