Pray - Today we begin our mission trip with prayer. Prayer needs to be first in everything. Jesus makes this plain statement. God knows what we need before we ask him. How should that inform our prayers? What should we pray when we know God already knows? 


We talk about 3 kinds of prayers on the Mission Trip, but there are others. We focus first on punching in, saying "Here I am!" to God. 


Then we pray for others. Ask God to guide you to confirm to his will in their life. He loves them and he died for them. Ask God to give you ideas of things to do or say that will cause them to move one notch closer to Jesus. 


One way others will see God in me if if I'm grateful even for the negative things that happen to me. I'm so selfish, I tend to interpret everything by how it affect me. But I'm not at the center of God's universe. He is. When I remember who he is and how powerful and good he is, I should be able to be thankful for everything that happens. We're told in Romans 8:28 that God causes everything to work together for good to those who are called according to God's purpose. 


There are other types of prayer. Ask God to make you someone who prays more than you ever have during these 2 weeks and see how God changes your workdays.