Mission Trip 2-5 - Your life proves who you believe Jesus to be. Often though, we choose our actions based on subconscious habit. Our habits power most of our decisions every day. Part of the struggle of being a Follower of Jesus is that we must retrain our own habits. That's why we practice knowing what we believe in the 3rd daily activity and it's why we realize we must be a good steward of our story. We talk about remembering your "Why?" 

Think about why you follow Jesus. Make sure you have a sensible reason based on your beliefs for your actions. What we give away matters. As we give prayer, appreciation and service to our coworkers, customers and vendors, people will ask. Make sure you're ready to explain your actions based on your history with Jesus. This is the most important question for each of us. "Who do you say Jesus is?"

If you think of Jesus as the active, living God of the universe, and you choose to listen to him, then do the things that break your old fleshly habits. Make new habits by intentionally giving more and intentionally serving more, and putting others ahead of yourself. Go the extra mile to join our online community where you can get others to help you focus on giving rather than receiving. Subscribe to this podcast where we will remind you every workday to get outside of your job description. Make a regular contribution to Follower of One so we can help you and others practice and grow as someone who lives and shares a new story based on who Jesus is.

Thank You for completing this mission trip, too, if you did. Why not sign up for the next one. And share this podcast or the Marketplace Mission Trip with one other friend. Who just came to mind? Don't put it off. Right now, pray for them, and then contact them and invite them to be your guest on the next Marketplace Mission trip. You will both grow to be givers, living joyfully every day at work as a full-time minister of Jesus Christ. Remember to go to MarketplaceMissionTrip.com to sign up.