Have you ever felt lost? Confused? Maybe now more than ever. But most of the time, we do what we want and that's based on our own ideas of what's right and what's best. I thought I had life figured out when I graduated college. God spent my first years out of college showing me that I didn't know anything. I thought I knew everything I needed to know. Was I wrong!


Even when we think we know, we don't know. Often, we don't even know we don't know. If we're lucky, the best we can do is come to the knowledge that we don't know. When we know we don't know, then we can make the switch. This verse is a key in knowing we don't know. When we think we have the answers, that's when we're likely to fall. It could be temptation, it could be our success or impact at work. Whatever we think we know, we don't.


Why not consider the idea that you really don't have it all together. Pandemics and plagues show us we're not in control. Let's extend that into our daily life so we can serve our coworkers with humility.


You can sign up for the next Marketplace Mission Trip right now at MarketplaceMissionTrip.com. It begins September 20. This time, we've added a private Facebook Group to enable us to connect with each other and pray for one another better. Go on a mission trip, to your regular daily life. Intentionally walk more closely with God in your everyday activities. Your faith can make a difference daily. Try it out. There's no cost.