Here's a true and sure statement that you can rest your future and your life on, Christ came into the world to save sinners. And among those, I am the worst. 


Can you imagine Paul saying that? Would you say it? Does your life back it up. Do you spend your time trying to prove that you're the worst of sinners, or do you focus on the fact that Jesus came into this world to save us? Think for a moment about What Christ laid aside. In Philippians 2 we get some prompting. He laid aside his rights and his power as God and came to be a common human, even a baby to a poor family. Consider the sacrifice he made for a minute just to enter our world. 


Then, he put up with us for over 30 years. He let his parents and the Jewish leaders teach him. He submitted to them even to the authorities, the very people who put him to death. His entire effort was either a terrible tragedy or an exquisite plan.


What does your life say about the life of Jesus? Does your life say that you believe it was a divine plan, brilliantly conceived and executed? Or does your life say you think it was a terrible tragedy? I can't have simply been an accident. Either Jesus is who he claimed to be, and this is all part of a magnificent plan, or his life and death was a tremendous failure, and the saddest story of all time. 


If we believe in the divine plan, let's live accordingly. Check out the Marketplace Mission Trip. This is our 2-week boot-camp to practice living like we know Jesus' life and death was part of a divine plan. Let's remember we're just as bad a sinner as the worst of them, but then we can live in the freedom and responsibility purchased for us by the Son of God. Check out to learn more and sign up.