Notice how the Bible works. Paul asserts that the Bible changes us. The Bible performs its work in us who believe. When we concentrate on what we believe, and when our beliefs are based on the word of God, then we can expect God to change us. We can expect our knowledge of the Bible to change us too. 


But in a way, we also know that as a man thinks, so he is (Proverbs 23:7). The proverb is about an evil man. What we think about matters. Even check out Philippians 4:8. We're instructed to think about the true, right, honorable. Let our minds dwell on these things. 


Our third daily activity is know what we believe. If we claim to believe the Bible, but we don't know it, it will be less effective changing us. Let's know the word of God and trust it to transform us. When we store the word of God in our heart, we know it will keep us from sin, or missing God's mark for us. (Psalm 119:11)


Today, think about what you know in the Bible and watch it change you. Trust God by focusing your mind on his word and he will use you in the lives of others. 


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