Psalms, Romans, Galatians, Hebrews and James all reference this passage. Notice a few things about the passage and then let's examine how our own beliefs affect our behavior. 


1. Abraham believed early. He still had many years to live and many mistakes to make. Yet God credited righteousness to him. 

2. Abraham wasn't circumcised yet.

3. The Law had not been given to the Jews yet, either.

4. God made the promise to Abraham even before he believed.


We act on our true beliefs. Often we lie to our selves about our beliefs. We say we trust God, but if we never actually have to trust him, do we really believe. You can say you trust God with your money, but if you never give any money, you don't trust him much. Our actions demonstrate our true beliefs. Fortunately, with Abraham as an example, we also know perfection is not possible. Perfect belief or perfect actions are not the requirement, because Abraham continued to fall short. His belief must have been genuine. It influenced his actions, but he still failed.


Today, remind yourself what you believe about God. The bigger you believe him to be, the easier it becomes to trust him. We can give away more and serve others more if we believe he is powerful enough to redeem our time or our money. The more we trust God, the more likely we see him work. And at the same time, the more likely we can be to experiencing some hurt. When we remind ourselves, let's act. Actions cement our faith. Pray for someone today. Serve someone today. Express appreciation for someone today. Act and it will be. Your actions demonstrate the power of belief now, and God will demonstrate the power of our belief in eternity. The two are related.