Today on the Follower of One podcast, Mike Henry sits down with Donna Skell. With a heart for God, people, and business, Donna stays active in the Christian community. She has been part of Roaring Lambs Ministries since its inception in 1980 and came on staff in 2008. Donna is an author, TV/Radio Co-host, and Jewish follower of Christ. She loves to help people effectively tell their stories of what God has done in their life. In this episode, Mike and Donna talk about Roaring Lambs Ministries, her journey to Christ, the purpose of Roaring Lamb Ministries, how Christians are created to fellowship with God, about the Hall of Fame, the importance of sharing your faith with others, incorporating your faith into your life, and the weight of the question “How can I pray for you today?”


Outline of the Episode

0:29 – About Roaring Lambs 1:08 – Donna’s journey to Jesus 3:29 – How Donna ended up with Roaring Lamb Ministries 6:33 – The purpose of Roaring Lamb Ministries 8:05 – How Christians are created to fellowship with God 10:00 – About the Hall of Fame 12:35 – The importance of sharing your faith with others 14:23 – How to incorporate your faith into your life 16:07 – Asking people “How can I pray for you today?” 17:06 – Growing up Jewish


The Purpose of Roaring Lamb Ministries

Roaring Lamb Ministries was created to engage with Christians outside of the Church walls. Their goal is to empower and activate other Christians to not be afraid to talk about the Gospel when they are not at Church. 


How Christians are created to Fellowship with God

Christians are created to fellowship with God. Our end goal as Christians is to share the gospel to the ends of the earth. For us to share God, we need to understand him. The way that we get to know Christ is to fellowship with Him. 


The weight of the question “How can I pray for you today?”

When you go and ask someone “How can I pray for you today?” it opens an opportunity to share Christ. This question also makes the person you are talking to know that you genuinely care about them, and you desire for their wellbeing. 


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