While there are varying thoughts on what Paul was talking about in that verse, we can image that he was probably chained or handcuffed to a Roman guard during this time. He is looking at the guard and the armor the Roman guard is wearing while creating analogies to his faith. 


Furthermore, one translation references Isaiah 52:7 which states, “How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who announces peace and brings good news of happiness, who announces salvation, and says to Zion, "Your God reigns!”. The good news of our faith prepares us. We need to be able to explain the good news to people. 


Paul is challenging us to be prepared and to understand the gospel. Our feet are our foundation and are necessary in order to stand firm. We must have good shoes for our feet just like the rest of the armor that is needed for us to wear. Our feet need to be prepared for battle in the same way we need to be prepared with the gospel. Paul is encouraging us to be prepared and ready to take action with the gospel at all times.


We must learn to connect the gospel to our actions, to our life, and to our witness. Our preparation and our foundation allow us to share the good news. This good news is the good news of peace. The good news tells of how our relationship with God has been restored. 


Think about why you believe in Jesus and how you can explain to someone else the reason you live differently. Live your life in such a way that people ask about why you live that way. Let the gospel invade your life. Let the gospel be the reason you go out of your way to serve others. Go beyond your job description so people will ask you why you live differently and why you follow Jesus.