Does this verse sound familiar? Jesus quotes it in Matthew 11:29. We talked yesterday about gratitude being the key to internal peace. Gratitude is downstream of trust. When we obey Jesus, we learn something about God. One of those things is that our trouble won't go away. Jesus intends for us to rest in the trouble. When we obey Jesus, we find rest for our souls.


I could only find the Hebrew or Greek terms for "rest" and "souls" together in these verses. Rest for our souls is rare. We only find that rest by trusting in Jesus. In Jeremiah we find the good way and walk in it. We obey God out of trust and we find rest. The harder I try to engineer rest on my own, apart from obeying God, the less restful I feel.


What does this mean for us today? Can we bless someone extravagantly? Can you leave a $20 tip for a hamburger? Can you pay for someone else's meal? What do you hold on to when God is nudging you to give it away? 


Let's be obedient. Obedience is the goal. We find rest when we obey. How is God challenging you to obey him today. Do it!


Today, ask a friend to pray for you, that you will hear where God is challenging you to obey him more. Then do it. We don't find rest on Saturday, or when our bills are paid. We don't find rest when we have enough money or we get to our vacation. We find rest when we trust Jesus.