Today on the Follower of One podcast, Mike Henry sits down with Amy Withers, a 7th grade World History Teacher who was raised in the church, but strayed from God for the past 30 years. When she rededicated her life to Jesus, He led her to Follower of One. In this episode, Mike and Amy talk about rededication, her experience on a marketplace mission trip, the importance of Christian community.


Outline of the Episode

0:24 – About Amy Withers 2:17 – How Amy came to the Lord 5:07 – Amy’s experience on a marketplace mission trip 6:23 – The importance of Christian community and fellowship 9:33 – How the Marketplace Mission Trip inspired Amy to start a Bible Study 11:54 – Inviting others on a Marketplace Mission Trip 14:07 – Invading your own schedule


The Importance of a Christian Community and Fellowship

Have you ever thought about how important a Christian community is? The Bible even talks about how important a Biblical community is in 1st Corinthians. The Church is not a building, it is the people. We need to have fellowship with other believers. 


Invading your own schedule 

You need to invade your schedule. That is, you need to create time to be in a BIblical community and spend time with the Lord. Satan will try everything to stop you from spending time with the Lord, so he will attack your schedule. You need to invade your schedule and make sure to spend time with the Lord. 


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