Previous Episode: Live by Faith
Next Episode: Your Light

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Chris is a follower of Christ who has a specific interest in helping people see how God can use their faith at work. He currently works for Corporate Chaplains of America (CCA) whose primary goal is to help business owners take care of their most valuable asset - their employees. In this episode, listen to Chris talk about how having chaplains in the workplace is probably the most valuable and most underutilized employee benefit. Also, listen to how his goals and those of CCA line up with Follower of One. We want to equip Christians to see themselves in the workplace for the purpose of serving people. 

Outline of This Episode [0:57] Meet Chris Champion of Corporate Chaplains of America [8:52] What’s the benefit of having a chaplain in the workplace? [14:03] Find out how God’s at work in Phoenix [18:38] Learn how the mission field at work is as important as going abroad [24:52] Find your specific function in the Body of Christ [28:00] Be aware of what God is doing in the workplace How can chaplains in the workplace be a benefit?

The thought has occurred to me that perhaps we’ve expected too much from the local church and too little from individual Christians. Since our goal is to help equip every workplace believer to see themselves as a minister, it’s important to understand how having a chaplain in the workplace can be a great asset. Chris talks about how we’re all united in our call to the Great Commission. But outside of that, we are each uniquely called to different positions - secretary, plumber, electrician - the list goes on. Listen now to hear what a great opportunity believers have to work alongside a chaplain in their workplace. Together, they can make an amazing impact.

Why is connectivity between the local church and workplace ministries so important?

Chris is passionate about the unity of the Spirit. He speaks about the importance of more connectivity between the local church and workplace ministries. Instead of just being Sunday Christians, we can learn how to incorporate our walk in everyday life. In Phoenix, Chris witnessed how God orchestrated a group of people from various ministries and churches to come together. They have prayed for unity and the marketplace. They hope is to see God move in a mighty way. Listen to hear more about some of the ministries who participated in this exciting event. 

Find out why unity is key and how we each play a part in the Body

Listen to Chris talk about how we should view our high calling and how this mindset can be a game-changer in our day-to-day walk. He points out how a lot is going on in the marketplace and we must realize that it’s the biggest mission field left in America. No matter what we’re doing, it has to be done with excellence to reflect the image of God. 

In John 17:21, Jesus talks about the need for us to be ONE - to be united. This idea of unity doesn’t mean we all do the same thing. We’re united in our relationship with God, but how we carry that out differs. Listen to this episode to hear more about why unity is key and how we can function as one Body. Learn how Follower of One can help you figure out what your part is in the Body and how that plays out in your workplace.

Take notice of the faith at work movement

Some of you may be discouraged to watch the culture implode and it may seem like we’re in a losing battle. But be encouraged and be aware that God is on the move. He is working through various ministries across the country in the marketplace. He is connecting business owners with the faith at work movement. Take the challenge of going into your workplace as your mission field. Find out how Follower of One can help you live out your faith and let’s join together to make disciples of Christ. 

Connect with Chris Champion On LinkedIn: Corporate Chaplains of America Resources & People Mentioned Rooting for Rivals - by Peter Greer and Chris Horst C12 Fellowship of Companies for Christ International (FCCI) Convene Truth at Work Workmatters Colson Fellows Connect With Follower Of One Website Facebook Instagram YouTube Twitter LinkedIn

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