Do you pray much? Mike mentioned that he thought he prayed less than he thinks. He wants to talk with God more. Do you? 


A soldier isn't much of a soldier if he's not under authority, in contact with his leadership. Prayer keeps us in touch with God. 


And God uses prayer to get us ready and keep us ready. Our prayer keeps us connected to God and reminded that our battle isn't against flesh and blood (2 Corinthians 10). Paul asked the people of Ephesus to pray for him at all time and in the Spirit. Praying at all teams means just that. In 1 Thessalonians, he told us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Praying at all times means that all of our life is a prayer. Mike talked about wanting his life to be this adventure with God. 


Praying in the Spirit means doing what the Holy Spirit tells us to do. Do your actions line up with his will? Do you listen for his guidance on matters like what you say in a meeting or how you react? Do you listen to him when he prompts you to get your work done instead of leaving early? Are you learning to listen to him more? 


The more we pray the more likely we are to hear him and to get used to his voice. We must persevere. There is never nothing to pray for or about. We can always pray. We can always ask.


Would you say you persevere in prayer? If so, thank you. Your prayers make a difference. Mike talked about needing to pray more. Prayer is the first thing on the marketplace mission trip and it's the last part of the armor of God. Make prayer something you do at all times and you'll learn God's voice and line up with his will more and more.


Speaking of the Mission Trip, we have a new tool and it's being upgraded. Sign up for the July 11 Marketplace Mission Trip and see the new features. We hope to continue to remind and challenge you to integrate your faith into your daily life. Head over to to learn more and sign up.