On today's podcast Mike talks about trusting the Lord as he reads from Psalm 20 and shares his thoughts on what trusting God looks like in our daily lives. Specifically, Psalm 20:7 is a great reminder to trust God. It is through God’s strength and His power that brings about solutions and change in our lives.


Do you ever feel that things are dependent upon you? It is easy to get to a place where it feels like everything is resting upon us; from our jobs, to daily tasks, and decisions that need to be made. Daily happenings can feel overwhelming, and we can easily start to feel the weight of each one weighing on us.


Let us be challenged to trust God daily and not as much in ourselves. God is the one that grants our heart’s desires and fulfills all our plans. God is the one who sends help. When we trust in Him, we can relax a little more and watch Him at work in our lives and the lives of those around us. 


Be encouraged today to take a moment and rest knowing that God is the one who can fulfill our plans, grant our heart’s desires, and He is the one that saves us. By trusting God, we find we can enjoy life a little more. The Lord is the solution to our problems today. Not our experiences or anything else in life. 


Pray today and ask God to help you trust Him in everything taking place in your life. Ask God for a supernatural peace and joy that comes from remembering that He is the one we can trust. Let us trust Him today. 


Punch in for the day and pray. One example of a prayer to say is, “Here I am God, I am yours. May I focus on what you would have me do today and would you please take care of the things that bother me. Grant my heart's desires and fulfill my plans and use me for your glory. I'm here to do your will today.” Our first daily activity is to pray, punch in and get on God’s clock. Go to work for God today and watch Him change the circumstances in your life.