Paul challenges the Ephesians (and us) to walk differently, and live differently. But how can we? What must change first? Do our actions change first, or does God change our mind first?


Mike talks about the 3-steps of transformation in this passage. We put off the old self (vs. 22) and we put on the new self (vs. 24). But in the middle, we must be renewed. Our renewal is passive. God renews our mind. We have to break some of our old habits. We have to allow God to change us. We begin that process by taking off the old self and putting on a new self. What does that look like? Check out the next few episodes and see.


Also, consider joining us on the Marketplace Mission Trip. You now can join us on a 2-week activity to practice 5 simple daily activities that put us on mission with Jesus. Check it out and learn more at