Do you ever notice how people fall into classes or categories. Often, when talking with friends, you'll hear a friend say, "You know, there are 2 types of people," or two political parties, or two groups of whatever. Two, or 3 or 4.


Paul points out how, in one regard, we are all alike. We all fall short. We all recognize this, but we seldom remember this principle when it matters. When we stand before God, how we have dealt with our falling short is all that will matter. 


Today at work, everyone you work with is like you in this one way. We have all fallen short. We can't help it. We all blew it before we knew. But how can that knowledge propel us as marketplace ministers. We need to appreciate others. Our world needs appreciation. Everyone in it struggles for appreciation. We try to receive it, show it, be worthy of it, get more of it. Appreciation is in short supply. But if we can remember this simple fact today, maybe that will make us better at giving away the very love and appreciation God has given us.


In a few days, the next Marketplace Mission Trip will begin. Will you be on it? This is a 2-week experience to help you focus on your own mission field, where you work and live every day. You don't need to take any time off of work. Just head over to and sign up.