Here it is. A reference to our ministry. I struggle with the term full-time minister and full-time ministry. Because I have to earn my living from our economic process, I was never in a good position to quit my job. I could never get a church to hire me anyway. But the term full-time minister simply implied that I was part-time. And I've never liked the idea of being part-time in my faith. 


This passage says that God reconciled us and then he gave us the ministry of reconciliation. There you have it. You're a minister. We've talked before about how the Greek word often translated minister can also be translated service or servant. God gave us the service of reconciliation. You're a minister. 


This is talking about how we are reconciled to Jesus. In verse 19, he says that our trespasses are not counted against us. Jesus paid for our sin. Oswald Chambers said that we don't go to hell for the bad things we've done. We go to hell because we don't trust Jesus. God's side of the reconciliation is done. All we need to do now is help others trust Jesus. That is the ministry of reconciliation.


However, I don't think it is any accident that reconciliation, not compromise, but a win-win reconciliation between people also seems to be what our world needs. During this political season let's be reconcilers - people who look for win-win situations rather than win-lose or lose-lose situations. Let's try to find ways to demonstrate to our friends on differing points in the political spectrum, that we all need something bigger than our own opinions. We need a Savior. Let's practice living that life instead of just talking about it too. 


Thanks for being a minister of reconciliation. Check out the Marketplace Mission Trip at to learn more about our 2-week boot-camp to practice our ministry of reconciliation on the mission field where we work and live.