Mission Trip Day 7 - Make Time - Jesus stopped everything to come to Earth and serve us. Imagine with me today what it was like to know before time, outside of time, that Jesus would have to come into time and live and die for us. When God invites us to follow him, we necessarily need to allow him to interrupt our fallen nature and our tiny plans. Today, let's make some time in our schedule to let God interrupt us. Everything he wants for us will seem like an interruption in our regular day. However the more we train ourselves, the more we see his promptings and we step up to them.


Regardless of where you are in your faith walk, put some time in your calendar to be interrupted. Do some work ahead of time. Get your work finished. Get somewhere early. Be on the Zoom call or the Webex call early. Plan to stay late. Work past time today and look for someone to help. Everything you do because you follow Jesus matters. Jesus stepped out of heaven, laid aside his rights as God, and lived an unhurried life with us. When he was on the cross, he added, "It is finished." John 19:30


We make time because God has a job for us to do until our time is finished. Put some space in your day today. Remember what Jesus did for us as motivation. He gave us 33 years. He gave us a day being tortured and another day dying on the cross. We can get somewhere early. We can put others ahead our ourselves. We can allow his effort to inspire us to serve others the way he served us.


Would you like your faith in Jesus to be more front-of-mind daily? If you're not on this mission trip, why not sign up for the next one. It will begin after the holidays. Go to MarketplaceMissionTrip.com and sign up.