In this week’s episode, Mike speaks with Greg Cross. Greg, CEO of Glimpse Video, has served the nonprofit world for 13 years and has an extensive background in raising hundreds of thousands of dollars, recruiting volunteers, and organizing and delivering consistent communication for a wide range of non-profits. His mission is to help nonprofits, including Follower of One, leverage video to help tell their story.

Episode Breakdown

1:38 – Greg's Journey Into Faith 6:50 – Leaving Ministry For The Business World 15:45 – Greg's Upcoming Event For Non-Profit Leaders 18:10 – Greg's Marketplace Mission Trip Experience

Greg’s Journey Into Faith 

“Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian just as going to McDonald’s doesn’t make you a hamburger” Greg shares more about his own father’s shift in faith impacted his journey into Christianity. 

Leaving Ministry For The Business World

Although most find themselves leaving the workforce to go into ministry, it was a bit opposite for Greg. Greg felt a push by God to leave ministry work and go into the mainstream workforce. This allowed him to lean into his entrepreneurial gifts – starting Glimpse Video that both blended his entrepreneurship and his passion for faith. 

Greg’s Upcoming Event For Non-Profit Leaders

This is an amazing opportunity for any non-profit leader to gain resources, tips, and insight into the world of what it takes to move the needle. This webinar will help coach those within the non-profit space to learn what it takes to hone their mission and improve fundraising. 

Greg's Marketplace Mission Trip Experience

Greg gets honest about his experience in the marketplace mission trip – and shares how the experience enriched his perspective of blending his faith and role as an entrepreneur. In particular, the marketplace mission trip provided an amazing and unique experience for him. As Greg puts it, “I see the Church not doing a good job of ministering to people in business. The Marketplace Mission trip was a ministry for ME, to get me in the mindset that my work is my mission field.” 

Connect with Greg: Glimpse Video On Linkedin  Rise Beyond The Noise Connect With Follower Of One

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