Today on the Follower of One podcast, Mike Henry sits down with Becky Robinson. Becky Robinson is the Founder and CEO of Weaving Influence, a full-service marketing agency that specializes in digital and integrated marketing services and public relations for book authors, including business leaders, coaches, trainers, speakers, and thought leaders. For more than a decade, under Becky’s leadership, the firm has provided a wide range of services to help clients launch more than 160 books. Becky's first book, Reach, launched this year. In this episode, Mike and Becky talk about how Weaving Influence got started, Becky’s new book Reach, the importance of leaving a lasting impact, valuing generosity, accessibility is the key to expanding an audience and leaving a lasting impact, and how God uses His followers to bless others. 


Outline of the Episode

00:59 – About Becky Robinson and Weaving Influence 03:08 – About Becky’s new book Reach: Create the Biggest Possible Audience for Your Message, Book, or Cause 03:49 – The importance of leaving a lasting impact  04:47 – Valuing Generosity 08:10 – How accessibility is the key to expanding audience and leaving a lasting impact  10:50 – How weaving Influence got started 16:09 – Following God and seeing who he wants to bless through you


Valuing Generosity

Generosity and accessibility is the key to expanding an audience and leaving a lasting impact. When you remove the barrier of finances from resources that you have, you open the door for more people to use those resources. If you want to expand your audience, you need to be generous.


God uses His Followers to Bless Others

When you agree with God’s will for your life and follow Him, you allow God to use you. God will use His followers to bless the people around them. So, next time you are at work, ask God to see how you can bless the coworkers around you. 


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