If the Lord washed our feet, and possibly even the feet of the one who would betray him, then We talked Wednesday about preparing how we will answer when someone asks us why we're serving them. Today, let's talk about how we Speak for Ourselves. This is our fifth daily activity. We've been talking about them all week. They are 1) Pray, 2) Appreciate others, 3) Know what we believe, 4) Serve others and 5) Speak for ourselves.


In 1 Peter 3:15 is where I get the idea. We're told to give a reason for our hope, but with gentleness and reverence in the New American Standard Bible. Other translations have the word respect, or fear. I think it means both. That's why I think about being cautious. I respect the opportunity and the consequences. I respect what's at stake. If I get a chance to explain to someone why I have served or appreciated or gone beyond what others might expect, this is a chance to bring Jesus into the conversation. That's why I practiced on Wednesday. I want to have thought through what I say. And today, or whenever I get the opportunity, I speak for myself.


I'm no biblical authority. But I do know some of how God has worked in my life. So when I speak, I talk about what happened to me. This keeps me from telling others what they have to do. I don't know. That's between them and God. I just know what I did and what I experienced as a result. That's my version of being cautious. I don't want to overstep my opportunity or my responsibility.


So today, let's focus on what God has done for us. Then we're free to live a life that is given away so that others might see Jesus. When they ask, we speak in the first person, with humility and caution. The rest is above my pay grade. It's God's job.