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If you’ve wondered how you can make a difference in your work, this is the podcast for you. Listen to Carey Green share about God’s plan and how He has appointed you to be right where you are. It’s important to see your work as ministry. 

Carey is a podcaster whose goal is to serve his clients well and produce quality content. He shares the benefits of audio because it’s one of the most engaging ways to connect with people. Listen to this episode to hear how Carey uses his work as an opportunity to be Christ to those around him and to be faithful in whatever work God gives him.

Outline of This Episode [1:02]   Meet Carey Green, podcaster and Christ-follower [6:28]   What is Podcastification and Morning Mindset? [10:26] How to engage with Christ and allow Him to transform you [11:51] Let others see Christ in all you do [15:00] How to make a difference with your faith in the workplace [17:34] Be faithful wherever God has placed you Allow Christ to transform you daily

Every day we’re given opportunities to allow Christ to work in our lives. One way to help us capitalize on those opportunities is by building habits. I’ve learned the importance of praying for my coworkers. When you make yourself available, God can use you greatly in people’s lives. Listen to Carey share examples of how he’s seen this firsthand. Amazing things happen when you’re a willing vessel.

How you can show Christ’s love to your clients

“The customer is always right.” Carey shares that although he’s learned this from his early years in the workforce, he hasn’t always agreed with it. But he talks about the importance of the attitude behind that saying. It should be your goal to serve clients in a way that benefits them. Listen to Carey talk about what he sees as the most important goal as he serves his clients. No matter what kind of work you’re in, you can be Christ to those around you. Whether you work with believers or not, you can love them with Christ’s love. Learn how to make the most of every opportunity to be what God calls you to be in this world.

How you can make a difference through success and failure 

God doesn’t make mistakes. Even if you find yourself in a job you don’t like, it’s an opportunity to worship. That worship is displayed through the way you work and the attitude with which you do it. It’s also in the way you interact with others. The bottom line is to change your perspective and see your work as ministry. Listen to this podcast to hear Carey share how people can be drawn to Christ by how you handle not only success but also failure. Let them see Christ through your humility.

Be faithful wherever God’s called you to be

Have you become myopic in your view about work? Listen to what Carey has to say about how we look at circumstances. If you’re only looking at them through the lens of personal fulfillment, that’s not in agreement with what God has for you. Remember - your vocation is temporary. Learn the importance of changing your perspective and seeing work in terms of service to God. Find out in the episode how to do everything you can to maximize the opportunities given to you.

Connect with Carey Green On Facebook On LinkedIn Podcast Fast Track Podcastification The Morning Mindset Resources & People Mentioned Roger Courville For the Hope Every Good Endeavor - by Timothy Keller The Purpose Driven Life - Rick Warren


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