In this week's episode of the Follower of One Podcast, Mike speaks with Jeremie Kubicek. Jeremie is an entrepreneur, Co-Founder, and CEO of GiANT. GiANT is a global leadership platform focused on raising liberating leaders in every major sector in the world. Mike and Jeremie discuss several interesting topics in this episode so we are very excited to share with you!


Episode Breakdown:


1:10 - Meet Jeremie with Giant

3:55 - Giant's Design and Purpose

8:25 - Idea of 100X Leader Book

11:40 - Scalable People Development 

15:45 - Creating Leadership Development Scalability 

22:45 - Jesus the Liberator


Being a Sherpa:


Sherpa. What does being a sherpa mean? During this week's episode, Jeremie and Mike talk about the overarching theme of what GiANT is all about and you guessed it - sherpa! Being a sherpa is simple but not simplistic. We want to act as a sherpa and this means that we help others climb to the same peak we climb. Being a sherpa is about not only being the best in our field and doing it well but also lifting others around us and giving them all the necessary skills, tools, and ambitions to climb with us! We are all in this together and just like our walk of faith, we must build up others around us and not just ourselves. 


Are you a Liberator?:


Are you a liberator? What does a liberator do exactly? When we think about Jesus, he liberated all of his disciples and taught them what he can do not only while he was on earth but what he could do when he becomes a part of you. So, how can you be a liberator? First, we must focus on our patterns and use them to our advantage. There is a specific section of this podcast (22:45) where Jeremie breaks this down and it opened our eyes to see that He is multiplying himself within us!


How does God see you?:


Have you ever wondered how God sees you? Does he see you as a sinner? A Saint, a Son, a daughter? We encourage you to ask yourself these questions moving forward. Even in this very episode, Jeremie talks about how God sees all of us and what it means. Treating yourself with respect and knowing that God has called you to spread his word is something we all should believe - and in turn, believe in ourselves!

Connect with Jeremie:

Jeremie Kubicek LinkedIn

GiANT Worldwide 

Jeremie Kubicek Blog

Jeremie’s Book 5 Gears

Jeremie’s Twitter

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