The passage for today is Proverbs 9:8. It says, "Do not reprove a scoffer or he will hate you. Reprove a wise man and he will love you."

This verse tells us that we should be careful about who we give advice to. If we give advice to someone who is not receptive to it, they will likely reject it and may even become angry with us. However, if we give advice to someone who is humble and willing to learn, they will appreciate it and may even love us for it.

We can apply this verse to our lives by being mindful of the way we respond to correction. If we are humble and willing to learn, we will be more likely to accept correction and grow from it. However, if we are defensive and unwilling to listen, we will be more likely to reject correction and miss out on an opportunity to improve.

Let's all strive to be wise people who are open to correction. When we are corrected, let's receive it with humility and love. This will help us to grow in our faith and become more effective in our work.