Do you catch yourself thanking God for all the good things that happen? Today, Mike focuses on Psalm 18:1-3. This is a Psalm that David wrote when he was delivered from the hands of his enemies and where David discusses what he went through. We learn that David loved the Lord and had a heart committed to God. Also, we discover in this Psalm that David’s rock was the Lord, and He was David’s fortress.

You may be in a dark place today. Be encouraged to read Psalm 18 and find comfort in David’s encounter with the Lord as he was delivered. David made mistakes, just like all of us, and yet He was commended because of His heart toward God.

Mike states that he wants to learn to depend on, follow and chase after God to the exclusion of everything else. Having a heart that is after God is a heart that seeks to put God first. As we go to work today, are we able to put God first in everything we do? Is God first in the way our attitude reacts towards situations that take place in the workplace? Is He first when customers get upset or when we drop the ball? Do we turn inward when things don’t go well and beat ourselves up or do we turn to God first in that moment?

Today, let’s make an attempt to turn to God first with everything going on. Let us focus on putting God first no matter what is taking place at work. As we put Him first, He becomes our rock and our shield. Everything that happens at work, good or bad, are opportunities to share the joy and love we have for God with others. God is almighty, He is in charge and He is working His plan. There is always something good to thank God for.

If you find yourself in a dark place, we would love to pray for you. Please go to and then to the Contact Us page or email Mike directly at [email protected] to share your prayer needs. Also, share with others about Follower Of One and our social media pages.