I often do verses backwards. I came across yesterday's passage looking for a reminder of that God does and how he provides for us in uncertain times. For all times, he gave us the Bible. Do we act like it is the love letter from God that we know it is?


Think today about scripture and spend time in it. Double your normal time. We talk about making time for others, but do we make time to learn from God? When was the last time you memorized a bible verse? It's been a while for me.


Today, let's act like what God says matters. Read the Bible for guidance and direction. Read it to know the Author better. Then ask God to use the Bible to do what it promises in this verse. I want the Bible to instruct me and guide me. I want the Holy Spirit to use the Bible to convict me of sin and line me up with God. Is that true for you, too?


Please let us know how we're doing. Or let me know if you have any questions. I love talking with other Christ-followers about the challenges we face being ministers at work. Our goal is to mobilize the body of Jesus, one person at a time. We would love to help you too. Contact Mike by commenting on the website at https://followerofone.org/contact-us .