What makes you stop and notice God? For me it is creation. When I see the moon at night, or the stars, or when I see great scenery, I praise God. He's made such a cool world. 


Do you see God in nature? What things about nature make you think of how great he is? How about the variety of trees. It's spring as we record this, and things are blooming. The whole world wants to get out and stop reacting to COVID-19. Traffic in increasing. Everyone wants to get out, be out in the world. 


Can you let the beauty of nature motivate you to listen to Jesus today? He has a job for you. He created you for a good work (Ephesians 2:10) and that job may be today. Look for ways that your life can help someone else move one notch closer to Jesus today. And enjoy God's creation. The more we enjoy him and celebrate him, the more likely we'll see him working in the lives of the people around us. Let's train our brains to watch for God in nature and in everything that happens. Then we can join him in his good work!