Today on the Follower of One podcast, Mike Henry sits down with Alex Huelle. Alex has been married to his best friend Delory since 2013. Originally from Florida but Kansas City is now his home, he moved here in 2016 to help plant a church. He has a daughter named Jovie, which means joyful and that describes her perfectly. He enjoys a good cup of locally roasted coffee, playing the bass, and serving people however He can. In this episode, Mike and Alex talk about planting a church, rooting your identity in Christ, Alex’s encounter with Christ, God answering Alex’s prayers for a sign, the desire to make your workplace a mission trip, letting God interrupt your schedule, and the importance of prayer. 


Outline of the Episode

0:54 – About Alex Huelle 2:40 – Leaving home to plant a church 5:30 – How Alex is involved in His local church 7:17 – Alex’s journey to Christ 10:29 – Rooting your identity in Christ 11:35 – Alex’s encounter with Christ 13:57 – God answering Alex’s prayers for a sign 15:50 – How Alex got involved with Follower of One 19:51 – Alex’s experience with the Ministry Mindset Challenge 22:29 – Letting God interrupt your schedule 24:44 – The Importance of Prayer


Leaving home to plant a Church

Leaving home is a difficult thing to do. You’re leaving familiarity to go somewhere unknown. It is even more difficult to leave familiarity to go plant a church because you don’t know if the church will work out. But, if you put your trust in Christ, and you are listening to Him, He will provide.


Rooting your identity in Christ

It can be so easy to identify yourself with something worldly. Whether it be drugs, money, alcohol, or even social media and technology, making something an idol has never been easier. It is so important as Christians to keep our focus on Christ and to keep Him at the center of everything. 


God Answering Prayers

God will answer prayers. He will not leave you to hang dry, but sometimes the answer that we get from Him is not the one that we want. It is so important to put all your trust in God because when He says no to a prayer, it’s a part of His plan. 


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