What do we trust? Do we trust Jesus or our behavior, or some belief about God? 


I catch myself trusting my actions and my resources for everything I do. I regularly pray that God would make my actions effective. I pray that he would provide money or people to do things. I don't often pray for his power, grace and mercy. 


This passage talks about righteousness. If I can be right with God by his doing, then why don't I trust him for other things? In Mark 2:1-11, they lower a man through the roof of the house to ask Jesus to heal him. Jesus initially forgives his sins. The Pharisees who were listening were astonished. No one but God can forgive sins. Then Jesus said, "So that you may know that the Son of Man has the authority on earth to forgive sins," he said to the paralytic, "get up, take up your pallet and go home." Jesus healed this man to show us all he has the power to do the physical. The physical is easier than the spiritual, but we don't believe that because we're physical creatures.


Christ's death was necessary for our salvation. Elsewhere, Paul asks, "He who did not spare his own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him, freely give us all things." (Romans 8:32 NASB)


Let's challenge ourselves to trust Jesus today for something physical. Our righteousness is certain. Christ didn't die needlessly. And if we can trust him for our salvation, we can trust him for our provision and for our work situations. Is Jesus asking you to give something away? Do you need to buy someone's lunch or give an extravagant tip? What is Jesus asking you to do? Do it today. Minister to those around you and watch God work in the physical and spiritual realms.


Don't forget to check out the Marketplace Mission Trip, too. This is where we practice trusting God daily in our workplaces. There's no cost, but a few minutes each day for 2 weeks. Check it out and sign up at www.MarketplaceMissionTrip.com