This is an encore presentation as we take a summer break from recording. We hope you are well and rested!



Back in episode 230 Only One Category of People, I talked about how there is only one group of us, fallen humans. Today, let's talk about the 2 choices we can make. We can aim our life in 2 directions. We can aim wherever our flesh directs, or we can live according to the Spirit. 


Our flesh can get us in a lot of trouble. Our flesh is anything and everything hostile to God (See Romans 8:7). The flesh means I make myself out to be God. I think I'm following my own desires and I make my own choices. But our selfishness isolates us. Our greed, or our envy make us miserable. Have you noticed how if you watch a lot of secular TV, for entertainment or for "news" that you come away unsatisfied and unhappy? Look at how you spend your time and where your mind is pointed and then critique your experience. Do your actions prove your life is according to the flesh or according to the Holy Spirit.


When we trust Jesus, we receive the Holy Spirit. He lives in us to guide us and to keep us until the day we see Jesus face to face. Our life ends up being according to the Spirit. He points us to God and he empowers us to live according to God.


Do you want Christ's joy? Do you want to experience more of the life of Jesus in your own life? We need to set our minds on the Holy Spirit. When we point our minds to the things of God and his plans, wishes and direction for us, we get on his program and experience his joy.


Don't forget to check out the next Marketplace Mission Trip. This is a 2-week exercise to practice intentionally walking with Jesus at work. You won't become the workplace religious fanatic. But you will experience new meaning and purpose in your daily life, at no cost. Learn more and sign up at