Have you heard that "Fear not," or "Do not be afraid," are the most common commands in scripture? I have and I count over 90 times in the New Testamanet when the two Greek words translated "do not be afraid," in this passage are used. Often we're told not to be afraid because we see God at work. He is awesome. He is almighty. If we saw him for who he is, we won't have a choice. We would be afraid. Other times, we see God in scary circumstances. We're told not to fear because of who God is. And Jesus is telling the disciples (and us) that right here. Because of who Jesus is, we don't need to fear. We can relax.


Really Jesus? Can we? There's the Coronavirus and the economy is tanking. You may be listening to this podcast unable to pay one or more of your bills. You may have sick family members and they're living isolated from everyone else. We can all face uncertainty and experience fear. But we can also focus on Jesus, too. Jesus tells us to choose something more important than fear. He says, "It is I." We can focus on Jesus to deny our fear.


Focus on Jesus today. Try to make what you know and trust about Jesus the central point of your thoughts and actions. Trust God with your circumstances, too. Our anxiety and our fear can't hold a candle to him.


Finally, please check out our online community. We are building a community where Christians can connect by occupation or by industry to encourage and mobilize one another as difference makers at work. Check out https://community.followerofone.org  to learn more and join us.