Do your works show that you believe in Jesus? Or do your actions deny him? Just a few verses before, Paul quotes another famous person who said that people from Crete were always liars and lazy gluttons. And Paul agrees! How would you like it if your pastor started by reminding you that you come from a bad neighborhood?


But then, Paul writes this whole letter to challenge Titus to instruct the people of Crete to be involved in good works. And he says here that people who profess to be Christ-followers deny God by their actions. How do we deny God with our actions? When we act the way everyone else does? Whenever we act like God doesn't exist, or when we act like obeying him is optional, we deny him. Think about it.


So what will you do? Can we honestly ask God to give us an idea of how we deny him so that we can change our behavior today? Mike said he didn't want to deny God. What about us? Can we say that we don't want to deny God? What do we need to change?


Our next Marketplace Mission Trip begins in a week. This is a 2-week exercise to practice living our faith at work. Sign-ups cut off in the evening of October 31, and the first call of the 2-week mission trip is November 1 at 3 PM. Learn more and join us at