We're in a besieged world. We all battle Coronavirus. We all battle fear and the limitations of our society today. Do we believe God will show us mercy and lovingkindness? David went through many years of isolation and running from a king who was trying to kill him. Yet he can say here that God has wondrously shown his steadfast love even in the besieged city.


Today, I hope you look forward to how we will look back on this time. Will we spend the entire time whining about our circumstances and complaining about our governmental officials? Or will we look back on some months of slowing down, looking for God, and finding ways to serve others?


We just wrapped up a Marketplace Mission Trip today. Would you take some time today and give God thanks? He will wonderfully show us his steadfast love. He picked our time and place. He is in charge. Take some time today to give him thanks and thank someone else who comes to mind. Ask God and he will give you a name.


Thank you for being a Marketplace Minister. Sign up for our next mission trip at Marketplacemissiontrip.com. Jesus will put you to work in his kingdom, at your desk or workplace. Try it out and see for yourself.