God created us with freedom to choose. We chose slavery to sin. Jesus comes and dies for us to restore our freedom to choose, but we must choose to obey him. He is Lord. One day, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess (Isaiah 45:23). When we see God for who he is, we will no longer have any choice. But Jesus gives us the choice again here, just before he is murdered in John 13:13.


Forty-one years ago, I was hit by a car. For the first few days, they weren't sure I would live, then function normally, then walk. By God's grace, I did end up fully recovering with some scars and some numb places. But it was a long year. That day, I didn't obey Jesus. I didn't choose to follow Jesus for another 9 years. But I was given the choice. Every year on the anniversary of that wreck, Oswald Chambers' My Utmost has a great entry on this verse. Jesus is Lord with a capital "L". We choose to follow him and obey him and he does the rest. We choose not to, and he also does the rest. We get to choose.


Who will you obey today? Will you obey yourself and continue to live out your death sentence? Or will you choose to follow Jesus and live? We're so fortunate to have another choice again today. Let's make it count!